Business Analytics

More and more organizations are looking to the Cloud for their data and analytics projects, seeking to leverage elastic, scalable, and cost-efficient infrastructure without the need to procure or maintain in-house hardware. With the growing adoption of both Big Data and cloud computing, businesses need a robust platform that can deliver value from both on-premise and hosted data at enterprise scale.

Integration And Analytics For Data in The Could

Zylpe provides a highly flexible platform for blending, orchestrating, and analyzing data from virtually any source, effectively reaching across system, application and organizational boundaries.


Integration And Analytics For Data in The Could

Zylpe provides a highly flexible platform for blending, orchestrating, and analyzing data from virtually any source, effectively reaching across system, application and organizational boundaries.

POC Trials/Projects in 6 to 12 Weeks

Zylpe IoT provides Proof of Concept (POC Trials) of the Zylpe IoT Applications, Zylpe IoT Platform, and Zylpe Enterprise Data Lake on AWS or Azure. Trials range in cost based on duration and include Zylpe IoT professional services and AWS or Azure infrastructure services.